How do financial advisors help clients with estate planning?

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Estate planning services empower people to create a clear plan that defines their personal desires on how they wish their estate to be managed when they die.

Plans ensure that any individual left in charge of the estate can make certain that every request is carried out correctly, with no margin for error. However, a financial advisor, such as a wealth manager, can assist further.

Establishing estate plans

With help from an expert financial advisor, estate planning services can ensure that dependents like a spouse or a child are left with adequate provisions. Part of this service will include strategies to reduce the size of an inheritance tax (IHT) bill. The total value of a person’s estate includes a wide range of assets including, investments, cars, jewellery, property, and savings, making tax bills complicated to calculate.

However, specialists in wealth management can work closely with a person’s trusted advisors like lawyers and accountants to uncover the full extent of potential liability. Wealth managers then provide financial strategies to mitigate the burden of IHT on beneficiaries.

Preserving wealth with expert advice

Wealth managers can create balanced estate planning strategies that effectively reduce IHT bills while making certain that while living, their client enjoys financial security using trusts and investments and passing on wealth early.

Get estate planning help now

If you need advice regarding estate or retirement planning in Chester, you can count on our dedicated team at Hartey Wealth Management. Call us to discuss your concerns for the future and put a plan in place today.

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