Survey reveals planned retirement age for Britons


A recent report has uncovered that most UK workers aged between 35 and 55 anticipate that they will retire when they reach age 62. At present, the state pension age for men and women in the UK is 66, which would mean their retirement will take place four years before they can start drawing this government resource.

UK workers who wish to retire early, but seek to generate an income to fill the gap before they can access their pension, often consult retirement planning specialists in Shropshire, Buckinghamshire, and other counties. Wealth managers are experts in retirement planning and help their clients take effective steps to secure sufficient funds for the time when they no longer work.

The survey looked at employees from seven different industries across Britain to better understand the aging workforce’s current attitudes regarding retirement.

Among those surveyed, a mixture of feelings towards the idea of retiring was found. 31% stated that they are currently looking forward to retirement due to the abundance of free time, while 19% were unsure what they will do with the extra time. 22% felt anxiety when considering retirement.

Respondents from the financial services industry expected to retire at age 63 at the latest, based on their present financial circumstances. On the other hand, those from the energy and utilities industry had the youngest anticipated retire age of 59 years old. Overwhelmingly, most workers felt supported by their firm ,with 83% stating that their company offered retirement panning support.

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