Study finds health service investment boosts economic growth in UK

Economy growth

A recent research project has determined that the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. The study which focused on investment providing a driver for productivity found that for every £1 spent on the health service, £4 worth of economic growth is generated.

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The recently published research comes at a time when, like many British businesses and citizens, the UK health service is battling rising inflation and higher energy costs. However, it is also facing the prospect of additional spending reductions a part of the government’s policy of “fiscal discipline”.

In a climate of high levels of sickness absence, the NHS commissioned report, indicated that reducing how many Britons are not currently in employment because of ill-health by just one per cent could increase how many UK citizens are able to work by as much as 80,000.

However, to achieve this increase, the NHS would require significantly higher levels of investment to reduce the present treatment backlog, which recently reached an all-time high, as well as the current number of Britons now living with serious medical conditions that have rendered them unfit to take on roles in employment.

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