How to survive the stock market crash







Following the success of our first Bodelwyddan Castle Investment Seminar, we’ve been asked to host an additional seminar in the North Wales area. So we’ve done just that and added an extra date to our Spring Seminar calendar. 

If you keep abreast of the ups and downs of the stock markets you already know they have taken a huge downturn in the last few months or so. This is why now is a crucial time to reassess your investments, ensuring they’re able to survive the current state of the stock market.

Our half-day seminar includes an informative presentation on how you can manage the risk of your investments to help them survive the chaos of the current market. Plus, we’ll also introduce you to our second opinion service which explains how an unbiased opinion could benefit you and your investments.

If you are available on this date please come along and be part of the day. There will be opportunities to catch up with the Hartey Wealth Management Team plus we’ll be putting on a delicious lunch too.

Please be aware that we are limited to 30 places so we recommended booking as soon as possible! Call us on 0808 168 5866 or email us at

If there’s a chance you can’t make it but would still like to speak to an adviser, please give us a call and we can arrange a complimentary consultation at a time more convenient to you.

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