Four areas of your finances that may need a second opinion

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From making sound investments to putting policies in place that will protect your income, financial planning is always a wise move. However, over time, savers and investors may find that their circumstances are subject to change. For this reason and others, it is important to have access to a second opinion from an unbiased expert. In this article, we’ll look at four areas of your personal finances that might benefit from such a service.

Investment portfolios

Financial market fluctuations can impact the value of your assets. As a result, a periodic appraisal of your investments is essential. An expert advisor can assess your current portfolio and ensure it can still meet your expectations.

Retirement plans

A rise in the cost of living or a change in your current income can affect your present plans for retirement. A second opinion on your pensions, savings and other revenue streams can ensure they are accumulating enough funds for you to enjoy your well-earned retirement.

IHT planning

Legislation for inheritance tax (IHT) is always subject to change. To make sure you are using the most tax efficient strategies and are prepared for this levy, having an expert calculate your final bill in an in-depth assessment is a smart move.

Protective policies

Are the policies you have in place still providing appropriate levels of cover? Find out before you get caught out with health check from an independent advisor.

If you need expert financial advice in Shropshire or Chester and a second opinion on your situation, contact Hartey Wealth Management today.

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