Will selling your buy-to-lets help you avoid inheritance tax?
How will the recent Autumn budget affect property landlords? Are buy-to-lets still good investments, or is it time to sell up?
Could changes to inheritance tax see farmland used for renewable energy?
Is there change afoot for England’s famously green and pleasant land? Some experts are saying the 2024 Autumn Budget could result in
How will changes to IHT affect your retirement plans?
Following the Budget announcement that unspent pension pots will be liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), many people will be wondering how this impacts their retirement plans.
What the new government means for Inheritance Tax Relief
With the newly elected government likely to bring a very different approach to managing the UK’s finances, Cheshire-based savers and people approaching retirement may be left wondering what that means for inheritance tax planning.
New statistics reveal growing burden of inheritance tax
Inheritance tax receipts in the last financial year rose to £7.5 billion, an increase of 40% on five years ago, according to figures issued by
Inheritance Tax Planning
Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning is essential to help mitigate the potential tax liabilities on your estate. Here are ten tips for effective inheritance tax planning: Understand the Nil Rate Band and Residence Nil Rate Band Be aware of the standard Nil Rate Band and the Residence Nil Rate Band, which can be applied to […]
UK citizens warned over major IHT error
Britons are now being urged to avoid making a significant mistake that many people fall foul of regarding inheritance tax (IHT).
How does inheriting a family home impact inheritance tax?
Passing wealth on to future generations of your family is a time-honoured practice in Britain.
How can a trust help you with inheritance tax?
UK savers keen to limit the impact of inheritance tax on their estate often find that trusts can be a valuable option to consider. This is because, if specific conditions are met, assets like
Does the government plan to overturn Inheritance Tax?
This year, national headlines suggested that the UK Government was considering getting rid of Inheritance Tax, with the aim of appealing to specific voters hit hard by the mandatory levy.