British minister visits Canada to promote post-Brexit investment


The UK Minister for Investment, Lord Dominic Johnson, recently visited the city of Toronto in Canada to meet with pension funds and other assorted institutional investors. He announced that he had received a warmer reception than many in the financial community anticipated.

Taking a global perspective on the UK economy


The UK economy has suffered a double hit, with COVID-19 and uncertainty over Brexit’s impact both taking their toll. That is set to damage the profits of large companies and, in turn, that could mean returns for investors also suffer. In fact, during 2020, returns from the UK stock market were lower than those elsewhere […]

Brexit – What Next?

            This morning it has been announced that Great Britain is set to leave the EU despite an exceptionally tight vote, but the question everyone is now asking is what next? Of course, we can only speculate at the moment, but here is round up of how the results could […]