British F&B investors seek safe bets

FB investors

A new study has revealed that investors backing food and beverage (F&B) businesses are increasingly seeking safer bets instead of taking a risk on early-stage enterprises. UK consumers often seek out sound investment advice in Chester, Birmingham and other cities before selecting assets. As impartial financial advisors, wealth managers can be counted upon to provide a professional opinion on the levels of risk involved in specific forms of investment, along with their scope for offering significant returns.

Recent analysis suggests that between 2012 and 2022, there has been a significant shift from investors switching from early-stage funding to later-stage in Britain’s food and drink industry. However, experts perceive this move as a healthy indication of UK businesses in the sector maturing and investors backing those clearly showing significant growth.

Figures showed that companies operating in the sector were engaging in multiple investment rounds to secure funding, with investors exercising caution and favouring later-stage firms as a more dependable option.

However, early-stage investment is still taking place here in the UK. The survey also uncovered that government-backed companies such as Scottish Enterprise and Innovate UK have been recorded as being among the most active investors of early-stage F&B companies in Britain.

The report also tracked and highlighted other notable changes in the investment market. Global mega-trends have emerged, including increased interest in vegan and meat-free products, craft spirits and bespoke online shopping. Additionally, in the last 10 years, the alcoholic beverage industry has almost tripled its volume of investment alongside every other sector.

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